Tuition and Fees

10bet is a great value. 我们的学费是该地区最低的之一,大约是公立大学的三分之一 学校和一小部分私立大学. We offer many ways to pay, plus a tuition installment plan 让他们更容易上得起大学.

Tuition Rates

*Effective Fall 2023, students residing in Johnson, Leavenworth, Linn, Miami, and Wyandotte counties in Kansas qualify for the Metro Rate. 请在首次报名后预留7-10天的时间 降低学费,以适用于您的帐户.

学杂费如有更改,恕不另行通知. Fees effective Fall 2022:

  • Tier 1 disciplines - HVAC, radiologic technology and welding - Tuition plus $50 program fee per course
  • Tier 2 disciplines - paramedic, engineering technology, police and fire science, physical therapy assistant 和兽医技术-学费加上每门课程100美元的项目费用
  • Tier 3 disciplines - automotive technology, dental assisting, utility lineman and surgical technology -学费加上每门课程150美元的项目费用
  • Tier 4 disciplines -实用和专业护理-学费加上每门课程400美元的项目费用


如果我们取消一个课程,你会得到100%的退款. 所有其他退款都是基于 date you officially drop a class. View refund dates. 旷课不被视为正式退学. 未支付的帐户余额将有退款记入您的帐户.

Change of address

When you change addresses, update your records immediately through the student center, or submit a 统计数据更改表格(PDF) to a records office.

Auditing a class

审核允许您在没有分数或测试的情况下回顾课程. No credit is given and fees 和学分课程一样吗. 如果你想审计,你必须在什么时候申报 you enroll.


Other tuition rates